Worksheet Autosave
When learners answer questions on a worksheet, all responses will now automatically save. No need to click Submit; answers will save as soon as they are entered.
In a regular lesson, click Check to see feedback. Feedback will always be hidden in assessments.
Free-Navigation Assessment
This option allows learners to move back and forward through pages of the test. The test will have no restriction on returning to pages, and learners can respond to questions and record unlimited times. All feedback and scores will be hidden. See the complete learner's view here.
Use a free-navigation assessment when you want learners to be able to move freely through the pages of a test, but don't want them to see any scores or feedback.
Choose this setting on the instructor's lesson edit panel.
Lesson with Feedback Hidden
This option hides feedback from learners doing a regular lesson. Learners won't see Correct, Incorrect, or the answers to questions. However, they will still be able to see their page scores and lessons scores. See the complete learner's view here.
Use a lesson with feedback hidden to encourage practice and attention to the lesson content. Learners can work on the assignments and see their scores improve.
Choose this setting on the instructor's lesson edit panel.